Wedding & Event Florist

Meet the Florist


Alison BAKER

Owner - Designer

Q | What is your favorite flower(s)?
A | Green hydrangeas and Gerbera Daisies (named my black lab Daisy) I also love lilacs, Garden Rose- Juliet and Coral charm peonies

Q | Describe your overall style:
A | Rustic, Shabby chic, Wild Garden Gal here! I’m very inspired by color. The European style emphasizes color and variety of botanical materials not limited to just blooming flowers. I’d say my style stems from there and is half pretty and refined, and half casual and imperfect. I love pairing things like green hydrangeas, garden roses, and peonies with touches of green coin,wax flower, and lysmachia.  

Q | Why weddings?
A | My favorite part about weddings is the personal style that goes into creating the couple’s perfect day. I love helping to bring their vision to life. When the wedding all comes together, it’s the most fulfilling feeling and truly extraordinary. I can relate to all my brides - and they love that! They are mostly the same age as myself, so it truly feels like planning a wedding with a best friend - and I defiantly have created some new awesome friendships along the way!

Q | How long have you been at it?
A | I opened my business in January of 2015. But before that I worked for other wedding floral designers for over 14 years.

Q | Wedding trend you love?
A | Long reception tables. A room full of round tables is not something we will see a lot of in 2020. Long tables are far more interesting, even if they’re mixed in with round tables. Long tables provide a chance for the florist to really be creative with the centerpieces, and they’re perfect for a smaller destination wedding where all the guests can sit together. 

Wedding & Event Florist